Sunday, October 13, 2013

This blog has been moved to from now onwards. :)

Monday, January 2, 2012

New year celebrations around the world

Happy New Year to all my friends! Also, due to lack of timming for my postings, we would replace the current "Today's blog news" to "This weeks's blog news" with effect from next week. Here are some photos that I managed to find from different sources.

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Auckland, New Zealand

Beijing, China

Beirut, Lebanon

Berlin, Germany

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Hong Kong

Jakarta, Indonesia

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Las Vegas, United States of America (USA)

London, United Kingdom

Mexico City, Mexico


Moscow, Russia

New York, USA

Rio de Janerio, Brazil

Rome, Italy

Santigo, Chile


Sydney, Australia

Taipei, Taiwan

Monday, December 19, 2011

Three Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) disruption in just one week

In just a week, three major breakdowns occured. The first breakdown which occured on the Circle Line (Orange) on 14 Dec (Wed) affected 1400 passengers.

Another breakdown occured on the North- South Line (Red) the next day during the evening rush hour, and also known as one of the worst breakdown in its 24 years of operating history, affecting about 127,000 passengers, causing choas and four trains to be stalled, all in the underground tunnel around the city center.

One of the four trains that stalled had one of its door window smashed to allow ventilation in the train as several commuters complained of warm air and lack of air that caused two passengers to be sent for medical treatment.

Two days later during the morning on the North- South line again, another train disruption occured, again at the same stretch were the breakdown occured two days ago during that time. About more than 90,000 commuters were affected, causing more angers and complaints by the public.

They even asked SMRT CEO to step down following three incidents and even said that the transport system was like a third world transport system because of SMRT trains crowded most of the times during peak hours and the recent breakdowns that occured as well as delays that occured before the breakdowns. Singapore's MRT had been praised by some other countries of having an efficient, safe and clean public transport to be known as a world class transport.

The cause of the two recent breakdowns on the North- South Line (NS line) is several claws disloged or missing from the third rail and the collector shoes from the train was unable to get power from the third rail, causing a trin to halt.

During the midnight- morning inspection following two recent incidents on the NS line and the East West Line (Green) which both lines uses the same track, they founded 21 claws disloged from the third rail and out of 120 over trains, 13 trains had to be withdrawn from service following an inspection. Investigation is still ongoing over these two incidents.

Train breakdown on the Circle Line:

Train breakdown on NS line (15 Dec):

Train breakdown on NS line(17 Dec):

Inspection of NS- East West Line (18 Dec):

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A new feature in Moshi Monsters

A new feature has just came out in Moshi Monsters! You ca now challenge other players by just clicking the Multi-Player button. So what are your waiting for? Head to the puzzle palace to try it out!If you have not created a Moshi Monsters account, create one here! Over forty million people have played Moshi Monsters!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Time lapse

Time-lapse photography is a cinematography technique whereby the frequency at which film frames are captured (the frame rate) is much lower than that which will be used to play the sequence back.
When replayed at normal speed, time appears to be moving faster and thus lapsing. For example, an image of a scene may be captured once every second, and then played back at 30 frames per second; the result would be an apparent increase of speed by 30 times.
- Adapted from Wikipedia
So here are some of these time lapse videos which I found.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Scenes in South Korea (Part 2)

Now, the answer! This is call a Dol hareubang. Click here to read more.

Korean workers having a break under a shelter.
Buildings in Seoul.

"Staircase" sign written in Korean and English.

A woman welcoming us.

A man asking us to move.

A man doing some packing.

A sign (In red) written in Korean. Anyone knows how to read or translate?

A man about to ride on his bike.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Scenes in South Korea (Part 1)

Workers in South Korea
"No running" sign in Korean

A huge fountain with a boy running

Koreans walking

Korean pre-school children

Fake or real oranges?

Another fake or real orange?

Vehicles on a highway in South Korea during the day

Vehicles on a street in Seoul during the night

Scene at Seoul International Airport