Saturday, January 1, 2011

A brand new year, welcome 2011!

Hello, 2011! It is a brand new year now and a lot more fun! But for this year, I may not post a lot of news updates and be active in my moshi account due to my Primary School Leaving Examination known as PSLE. I will try my best to be active most of the time because it is going to be a tough year now.
In 2010, Singapore has several events like the orchard road flood, the Singapore MRT vandalised train, the Youth Olympic Games and several more. So see you 2010 and that year is now a beginning of our history.
In my moshi account, I have now more than 2000 messages posted, almost 1500 visits, and is in level 29 now.
I wish all moshi owners and everyone a happy new year!
Fireworks at Downtown Singapore at 12 a.m. on 1 January 2011.

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