Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Love Living Life. I Am Happy.

Did you know that you are very lucky if you have your legs and hands because they are very useful and important to you everyday and in your life. You use your hands to hold, write, sew, lift yourself up and many more. You use your legs to walk, run, jump and many actions you can do. But imagine without your hands and legs like this man shown in the video clip below, he does not have a single hand and legs throughout his life and yet he is able to do many things which makes the people very suprised. He is able to lift himself up without his hands if you look at the video shown below.

Now after you have watched this video, you may tell me how do you feel if you do not have any hands and legs and what can you do without your hands and legs and lastly, how are you going to do without your hands and legs by posting your comments on my blog OR by writting a message to my monshi monsters account on my pinboard. So glad to hear your solutions!

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