Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Singapore Parliament has dissolved and Polling Day is set on May 7 2011

Singaporeans go to the polls on May 7.

President SR Nathan dissolved Parliament on Tuesday, with Nomination Day slated for next Wednesday, April 27.

Polling Day, which falls on a Saturday, is also declared a public holiday.

The news came a day after the announcement of two committees of prominent Singaporeans to certify minority candidates for the election.

Some 2.35 million voters are eligible to vote in the coming polls - the 14th in Singapore's history.

There will be 87 wards, carved out into 12 Single Member Constituencies (SMC) and 15 Group Representation Constituencies (GRC).

The election deposit for each candidate standing for election will be S$16,000 and nomination papers can be filed from 11 am and noon on April 27.

There will be nine nomination centres for the coming GE.

According to the Parliamentary Elections Act, the deposit per candidate is eight per cent of the total allowance payable to an MP in the preceding year and rounded to the nearest S$500.

Besides the nomination paper and other necessary documents, each candidate must also submit a Political Donation Certificate issued by the Registrar of Political Donations.

A new feature in this year's GE is the cooling off day, legislated under the Parliamentary Elections Act.

After the specified campaign period, which is normally nine days, there will now be a day of no campaigning or rallies before Singaporeans cast their vote on May 7.

Adapted from Channel News Asia

You may also click here (www.ge.sg) to have news updates towards the upcoming general election.

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