Monday, May 9, 2011

The rulling People's Action Party returns to government

The PAP was returned to government, winning 81 of 87 seats or 14 Group Representation Constituency (GRC) and 11 Single Member Constituency (SMC). The oppostion, Worker's Party secured the remaining 6 seats or one GRC and one SMC, making the opposition winning the most number of seats since Singapore's Independence and also the opposition winning the first GRC since the GRC and SMC system was introduced in 1988. The GRC system is to allow minority candidates to contest and enter parliament.

The PAP recieved 60.14% total valid votes in all contested constituency down from 66.60% total valid votes in all contested constituency in the 2006 general election, the lowest in Singapore's electoral histroy. Five other oppostion parties did not win a single seat.

Aljunied GRC and Hougang SMC were the only two constituency under the opposition, Worker's Party. The PAP team at Aljunied GRC was led by Foreign Minister, George Yeo, which he and his team lost and recieving only about 45% valid votes against the Worker's Party. Hougang SMC saw the fifth time the Worker's Party won the constituency since 1991.

In Potong Pasir SMC which was previously under Mr Chiam See Tong from the Singapore People's Party, the PAP takes back the constituency after 27 years and the results between the PAP and SPP were super close by just a margine of 114 votes. The SPP candidate for that constituency was Mr Chiam's wife. Mr Chaim contest Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC to contest in a GRC but lost.

You may go to for the results and post-election news.

Result for Potong Pasir SMC (Mr Sitoh and Mrs Lina Chiam message)

Result for Aljunied GRC (Mr Low and Mr Yeo speaking)

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