Saturday, June 4, 2011

Be a STAR! and a contest for everyone!

Here is another new episode of the annoying orange and a competition that everyone can participate.

All you have to do is just to grab your video camera. Then, frame yourself and say, “I’m a star! A great big shining star! Yaaaay!” Try to keep your head as still and your face lit evenly. Feel free to do the line a few times and/or a few different ways.

Next, upload the video to youtube and title it, "I'm A Star!" Finally, make your submission a video response to this YouTube video: “Annoying Orange: I’m a star!” (Just click the comments box on the YouTube page and the link for adding a video response will appear.) The deadline of this competition is on the 10th of June 2011, 12 am (PST). It is recommended to send your video earlier before the 10th of June.

You can also click here for further details.

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