Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I am back to my blogging!

I had completed my final exam paper yesterday. Sorry for not being active on Moshi Monsters for a long period, but I may now get active again also on my blog posts and twitter updates. I will be creating a facebook account (moshiyenwei) which will soon be noticed once it is created.

Additionaly, I will be on a vacation to South Korea from the 8th of October to the 15th of October. It is not an exchange programme, it will be family tour. I hope to take lots of pictures and videos for you, similiar during my Taiwan exchange programme last year. I will also be active on my blogging and MM during this period as my father would be bringing along his HP touchpad with him during the trip.

It is going to be really exciting as I would also be sharing what I had done during my trip to my classmates. It would also be a sad moment for me and my other classmates as we would soon be seperated to other schools as our final year in primary school. But we would be able to enjoy ourselves after the examination!

Stay tune for more blog updates!

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