Wednesday, November 16, 2011

School days ending soon...

It has been almost a month without any activity here. Anyway, my classmates and I were just playing card games as the school days are coming to an end this year. I have been playing minecraft during this period and I have a video to show to show to all of you.

I will also try to be active in Moshi Monsters and I will tell you more on my South Korea trip tomorrow. I will even be telling you about what is happening in school as it would be our last day tomorrow.

I am still creating a video on my South Korea trip which all my photos will be played with music and I will also be posting other videos on my trip, similiar to what I did last year after my Taiwan trip.

Nothing much to say, but I will try to tell you more tomorrow.

My blog:
My twitter account:!/moshiyenwei
My Moshi Monsters account:

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