Monday, February 14, 2011

Mubarak steps down

Sorry that there is no blog news for a few days.
In Cairo, it was the end of an era in Arab politics - Egypt's Hosni Mubarak resigned as President and handed control to the military on Friday, bowing out after a historic 18-day wave of pro-democracy demonstrations by hundreds of thousands.

The announcement, delivered by Vice-President Omar Suleiman on national television just after nightfall in Cairo, set off a frenzy of celebrations, with protesters shouting "Egypt is free!"

Huge cheers and whistles erupted in central Tahrir Square, as well as chants of "Allahu-akbar".

A grim-looking Mr Suleiman said in his address: "In these grave circumstances that the country is passing through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to leave his position as president of the republic. He has mandated the Armed Forces Supreme Council to run the state."

People in Cairo celebrating after Mubarak steps down.

For more info, click here.

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