Saturday, May 21, 2011

The end of the world today?

Warnings by a US fundamentalist preacher that Saturday is Judgment Day have sent some people into hiding or rushing to repent, while others are planning parties to wave off good Christians.

Televangelist Harold Camping's prophecy says the so-called 'Rapture' will begin with powerful earthquakes at 6.00pm local time in each of the world's regions, after which the good will be taken into heaven.

The not-so-good will suffer hell on earth until October 21, when God will pull the plug on the planet once and for all, the 89-year-old predicts.

One of the first places to be hit, according to Mr Camping, who wrongly predicted the end of the world in 1994, would be New Zealand, but 6.00pm came and went with no earthquakes and little local media attention.

Clcik here to read more. (Adapted from Straits Times)

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