Saturday, June 18, 2011

My monster's birthday in two days!

My monster, Pickerpet, is turning two on this Monday. You can also give anything to my pet such as a gifts if you can or even share jokes or others that you want to my monster. You can also comment on my pinboard on how blog news had helped you since last year and what do you want me to add in my blog so to improve my blog news or my blogspace.

Also the blog survey is still at the bottom of my blogspace and I do not recive any survey since January this year. So what you waiting for? Help to complete the survey! It only takes a short while.

Additionally from next month till September, I will be less active on my moshi monsters and blog news due to my Primary School Leaving Examinations. Sometimes I may not even alert all of you that there is "Today's blog news" on my moshi pinboard. So, do check out my blog for blog news update.

See you soon!

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