Monday, June 20, 2011

My monster's second year!

Today is Pickerpet's second birthday. My monster is now in level 32, more than 420 friends, more than 2180 messages, over 1700 visits at my monster's house and ranked at monstar J and over 40 000 rox, currently my monster do not spend a lot on the furnitures that I had needed. My current high score for my daily challenge is at 23. (Hope it can improve to 25 next year)

During these two years of playing, I have seen new shops, games, activities, items and even upgrading of moshi monsters. I had known that some of the moshi owners had not been playing moshi monsters for months. Probably they find it boring, do not have time for their monster, craeated a new moshi monsters account or might be no longer active.

Moshi monsters to me, can be fun and exciting. I could communicate with other owners, set up a blogspace for all of you, and could even help each other. You would also want to know how I begin playing moshi monsters two years ago on this same day?

On 19 June 2009 after I came back to Singapore from my three days overseas trip to Malaysia, I found one of my cousins using the computer and was playing moshi monsters. My cousin leveled up and buy furniture and could even play puzzles and daily challenges. So, I became intersted and asked my cousin if I could have one. On 20 June 2009 minutes after midnight, I finally created my moshi account with assitants from my cousins and my father. So that was how I came across with moshi monsters!

You can also tell me how you came across on moshi monsters too! (Your story must be true if you can remember well)

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