Saturday, October 8, 2011

Leaving for South Korea today

Hurray! I will be leaving tonight for South Korea. I will try to take lots of pictures and videos and also try to convert them into a movie. I will visit Seoul as well as Jeju Island, the largest island in South Korea and some other South Korean cities.

My father will also be busy after the trip as my father needs to leave for the United States on the business trip a day after we returned from our trip on the 15th of October. We will also be sitting on Asiana Airlines when we depart and arrive back. Asiana Airlines is one of the best arline and ranked as a Five Star Airlines by Skytrax.

I still do not know more about the trip. But at the end of each day during the trip, I will tell you more of what I had visit and what I had done. So it means that I will still be active during the trip as my father will be bringing along his HP Touchpad with him. I hope this is going to be exciting trip. Me and my parents are now packing their clothes getting everything ready before we leave for tonight. So stay tune for more posts updates.

* Do take note that South Korea time (+9GMT) is one hour earlier than Singapore (+8GMT)

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